The Requiem mix is produced by Martin Erlandsson and Staffan Ulmert (Mojib). Released in 2006.
A collaboration between two friends and it’s best described by Martin Erlandsson below. A special thanks to the listeners who have taken the time to write thoughts, anecdotes, reflections and even poems regarding this mix and emailed them both to me and Martin though out the years. Sadly Martin Erlandsson passed away in 2008.
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To really understand and appreciate harmony and happiness in life it is necessary that you’ve also experienced disharmony and met misfortune, or at least seen misfortune closely enough to really understand that it exist.
At the end of January I received news that the skeletal cancer I had been treated for a year earlier, now had spread throughout my skeleton, that there was no known cure and that it was so far gone that both radiation and operation were out ruled. Since then I’ve undergone severe treatment using chemotherapy that weaken my body at a tremendous rate.
During this time period contrasts were prominent in my life.
Overwhelming panic was followed by immense calm, loneliness was followed by feelings of presence and love in the company of friends and relatives.This is what Staffan and I tried working with in our music – letting the listener experience disharmony, thus enhancing the inherent beauty of the strings and harmonies.
Requiem may seem a pretentious title, but while we were working with the mix I thought I only had a couple or months left to live.
He who lives shall see how right I was…/Martin Erlandsson